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Architect and Lighting Designer

Juliana Ramacciotti graduated as na architect and urbanist at FAAP-SP (Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), in 1998. Her career started in the lighting industry in 1997, at the Lighting Design Department at Philips Lighting in São Paulo, Brazil. At Philips Lighting, she worked for more than 7 years (4 in projects and 3 managing sales). At Lighting Design Department - Philips, the team of three people used to develop more than 400 projects a year (residentail, commercial, sports, roads,...).


Had a 7 years great experience at Lutron BZ do Brasil Ltda., branch of Lutron Eletronics Inc. Co.(Lehigh Valley, PA, USA), worldwide lighting controls leader, developing lighting control and automation market in Brazil, from 2001 to 2008, only emplooye. At this company, her great international experience has started. Promoted several trainnings and workshops and has been speaker on many seminars in Brazil and abroad, always present on the main lighting design and technology events, like CES, Lightfair, PLDC and others.


In 2008, towards her professional development and growth, founded Luce Studio (former JRLUZ Arquitetuda de Iluminação), being involved in important retail, corporate, residential, commercial and institutional  projects. Today the company has designed more than 1000Ksq foot . On Education side, has been the title teacher for "Lighting Control" at IPOG - Post Graduation Institute, for more than 3 years. Today is a lighting control reference in the country. Has been lighting consultant at i9 group (Innovation group) at CGP (Globo Bradcast TV) for two years.


Mensagem enviada!

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1597 - Cj. 509C

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

ZIP CODE 01452-000

Phone +55 (11) 3294 8177
Mobile +55 (11) 9 7190 0732



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